

  1. Fill in the boxes below with your Name, School, Email Address, Phone Number, and Mailing Address and Contact Information for the person writing your letter of support.

  2. Review the concept of Social Justice under the Social Justice tab on the home page.

  3. Using the definition on this website, upload a 500–750-word description of your personal experiences advocating for social justice. Make sure your description addresses these questions:

    • What brought you to an awareness of the need for social consciousness?

    • What did you hope to achieve, and what were the results of your efforts? Of what are you most proud?

    • How will this $3000 award help you achieve your goals?

    • What do you believe will be the long-range effects of a commitment to social justice in your own life?

  4. Review the scoring criteria under the Evaluation Criteria tab on the home page to make sure you have appropriately addressed each of the four questions.

  5. Upload a letter of support from someone who is familiar with the work you talked about in your essay. DO NOT ATTACH A STANDARD COLLEGE RECOMMENDATION LETTER, as it will not meet the criteria for this award.

  6. Click on the green SEND button so your materials are on their way through cyberspace to us! You will receive an acknowledgement e-mail when we receive your application.

Thanks for applying for the 2025 Aronson Award!